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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    James' WR Blue BRZ

    If you're coming down for passenger rides I'm sure there will be a number of us giving rides on the day. Bring a helmet if you have one as it will save you hiring one.
  2. Lauren

    Headlight adjustment for lowered cars

    Yeah, it's a sure way of just sorting it and is what I did. It works fine and I can see where I'm going at night.
  3. Lauren

    My car has had a remap?

    I've never heard of this 'pops and bangs' map!
  4. Yes, tonight it was 1C and colder but not as bad as last night when it was 4C but the roads were particularly greasy, that's what did it. Was lighting up the rears all over the place. Though it did provide plenty of entertainment for my colleague I had in the car.
  5. I ran winter tyres for two years and there still times when it's about 4C and greasy where they are just as bad as my regular tyre. Sometimes there just isn't much grip and there really isn't much you can do about it. The way I see it, you learn a lot about your finesse in such conditions and that is no bad thing.
  6. Lauren

    My car has had a remap?

    I know Fensport have done quite a lot of remote maps. The other tuners use rolling roads so less likely. Obviously a remote map is less than ideal.
  7. I think it seems to have been one of those days today when the roads were just really greasy.
  8. Lauren

    My car has had a remap?

    It could have been a 'remote' map, done via Fensport.
  9. LOL, you're welcome, Lee, easy to spot an enthusiast. You do know that grey is not a colour?
  10. You have to meter your throttle inputs. I'm running Yoko V105's on stock sizes and just driving around for work this evening my colleague was surprised by how much the car loses traction out of tight bends and turning right etc at junctions. But, I'm well used to it. Embrace it, I say, it's all easily controlled, finesse and all that.
  11. Lauren

    My car has had a remap?

    Though four maps is what you'll get no matter where you go. Fensport is your best first port of call. Look at the V5 and see where in the country the car was previously. Fensport (Fens/Cambridgeshire) have probably done the most remaps, though Tuning Developments in Warrington are fast catching up. Then there is Mark at Abbey of course (SE) who has also done a load. It's extremely likely it will be one of those three so not too hard to find out.
  12. Lauren

    Squeaky brakes

    Seriously just change the pads if it's an issue. I've run Stoptech pads for 18 months. They hardly ever squeak. You can opt for a softer pad, but your dealer would need to get it in, but it won't take the abuse as well as the stock pads.
  13. Lauren

    My car has had a remap?

    That's good news, but a bit of a pain that you don't know which one is which! There are some additional features but they are fairly useless. There's launch control - never worked that one out Auto throttle blip, which blips the throttle on downchanges, principally for people who can't drive (i.e., heel and toe). Opted not to have that one turned on. Flat shifting- so you can keep your foot planted on upshifts. Again, no real use either. The auto blip is the easiest one to test as you'll notice it on downchanges if you don't heel and toe. But it's the map of course that's important and the point of doing it. Really the best thing to do is to go and get it read by a tuner then you can see who's done it and hopefully work out what is what. Would be worth getting it updated so that it stays on whatever map you select. Whereabouts are you?
  14. Lauren

    GT86 Standard Stereo - worth?

    If it had sat nav it would have some worth, but without it, it's virtually worthless really. I removed mine when the car was a month old. It's been in the shed for getting on for four years with all the other OEM stuff I've removed.
  15. Lauren

    found this article about octane booster

    You'll have no problem getting decent fuel in Northern Europe. I've done many trips. In fact in Germany you can get upto 102 Ron. I really wouldn't worry.
  16. Lauren

    Hello! I've finally put my money where my mouth is!

    Good news on the plate, hope you get a good choice, I had a choice of five or so. Llandow is a long way to go for many for what is a really short basic track. It would be cheap though, no doubt. Pembrey is a much better track over that way, I raced there years ago. If you're in Bristol there are plenty of options. Combe is down the road from you. The better tracks are Cadwell, Donington, Croft and Oulton which are well worth travelling for.
  17. Lauren

    Hello! I've finally put my money where my mouth is!

    A week to run it in? That's how long it took me. But yes after the first 1000 miles or so. Think I waited till my car was two months old before it hit the track. Has a couple of thousand miles on the clock by that point. No Toyota track day last year unfortunately, so not sure it's happening anymore. Just come on one of the club days with LOT or the ones we do with Javelin.
  18. Lauren

    Hello! I've finally put my money where my mouth is!

    It'll take a serious amount of time to wear out the Primacy tyres! Like 20K plus miles! Better help them out by taking them on track. What better way to get to know your car? They take the abuse really well, I found.
  19. Lauren

    Hello from Derby

    Welcome aboard, that is one clean machine! So what mods are you planning?
  20. Lauren

    Will300's Subaru BRZ Build

    Your's seems a bit quieter, Will. Keith's seems pretty loud.
  21. Lauren

    Hello! I've finally put my money where my mouth is!

    Hi Lee, at last! Well done. I remember you pulling up alongside on the M25 asking if we were going to meet Tada San and then having a good chat with you, when you were there. Bet you can't wait! What options did you decide to go for? I'm still waiting to drive RRG's new demo, to see what the new car feels like.
  22. Lauren

    New GT86 owner - sort of!

    LOL, no worries!
  23. Lauren

    Dan J's BRZ

    Just a thought, but you could have got your battery replaced under warranty with a 65Ah one.
  24. Lauren

    New GT86 owner - sort of!

    You can turn the gear indicator on easily enough by pressing the buttons on the right of the binnacle. It's in the manual somewhere.
  25. Lauren

    Under floor Sub

    Forgot to add, definitely go with a DSP, it's great to have all the timings and levels set. Untitled by Lauren Blighton, on Flickr