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Posts posted by Lauren

  1. 3 hours ago, Cerastes said:

    Edit: I have just called my local Toyota branch, the guy that has been doing them is not in today and will call me tomorrow. The lady said on the phone that they need it for a week. I asked if they could change spark plugs at same time, she said yes they do that full service anyway. I asked is that all free of charge, and she said yes. Although I never trust them with the cheap oil they put in, they probably put some cheap spark plugs in and I will have no way of knowing.

    I also asked if he has done many before, she said yes he has done quite a few over the past few weeks. He can only do one a week. So that all adds up to what others have been saying on here.


    It's a Toyota dealer they will use genuine parts and OEM oil. I'm not sure where you get this notion that they will put cheap parts in? One a week is what most dealers are doing, it's quite enough with the other service work they have to do. 

  2. Event Title: NW-Jap2Jap Warrington 21 July
    Event Author: Lauren
    Event Date: 21.07.2019


    We are off to Jap2Jap's monthly meet in Warrington Sunday 21st July. :)

    We may go for food after depending on interest.


    Warrington's Favourite Car Boot Sale

    Townfield Lane


    WA2 8TE 

    Details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2240489719535861/

    1. Lauren and Indy

    2. Richard

    3. @Mark-in-Stoke









    NW-Jap2Jap Warrington 21 July

  3. 1 hour ago, willclarke said:

    I was told by Richard to ring back in a few months as they're not even adding people to the waiting list anymore! That popular emoji41.png. I will certainly be trying. Hope there's no cut off date for this recall...

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

    I've just got back from RRG and had a good old natter about the recall. Richard said that he is booked till November and is not taking any more bookings yet, but has a waiting list that you can be added to. There is no cut off date to get the recall done by, there won't be as there will always be cars that years down the line will not have had it for one reason or another. 

    The problem for RRG is that, if say they do the recall on a car which will likely be modded all the way from say Essex or something and there is a problem post recall, how will it be recovered and all that. It makes it quite complicated. Obviously he has had to prioritise customers who bought their car from RRG and those that are regular customers for service. That alone has taken the list to November! For those with stock cars the advice is, use your local dealer. 

  4. I've had my AP four pots on with Reyland grooved discs and DS2500 pads on for over a year and a half now. Done nearly 30K miles on them, about five or six track days, about ten sprints. The pads still have a good amount of meat on them and the discs look hardly worn. Amazing really. Feels like they'll last forever, but reckon I'll get another 10K miles out of them pretty easily. I should add though that my pads tend to last a lot longer than average as I am pretty easy on the brakes. Obviously on track I do use them to their full capacity, especially so on sprints where every hundredth of a second counts, so there's no early braking at all. On the road I brake as little as possible, which probably helps me get great mileage out of them. On stock pads and discs I would get around 37K miles out of them. 

  5. 13 hours ago, PeterH said:

    I might be wrong, but if the engine is modified that heavily, they'll take it up to Macclesfield (i think). You can still arrange it through platinum, and they'll stick on a trailer up there - there's a gt86 specialist there who is doing recall work for modified engines.


    If this dealer isn't confident in doing the work, then it may get referred to RRG Macc' but they have to then agree to do it. I'm fairly sure they will. There is a fairly long wait though because everyone wants to go to RRG Macc', so it will be dealt with on an individual basis. I'm back to RRG Macc' this morning to pick my car up after a fueling issue yesterday, so will catch up with Richard there this morning and see where they are up to with the recall waiting list. 

  6. Okay, here's a quick review of the PS4's compared to the V105's 

    The PS4's have a much higher level of lateral grip over the V105's. It almost feels like the limits are too high. In the dry on the road you won't be able to get them to slide unless you're really pushing it. I've tried on them on track, both on trackdays and in the sprint series. I can report they do indeed slide, but maintain a great level of progressiveness much like the V105's, but simply with more grip. They are worth up to 2 seconds a lap which makes a huge difference. Handling wise the feel is good and they inspire confidence. They do all that the V105's do but simply at a higher level. 

    In the wet, they are absolutely astonishing to be quite frank. I learnt this on a recent sprint in the wet at Anglesey where I just couldn't believe how good they were. Again they are still progressive and holding slides at the top of third at 85mph was no problem at all. Obviously in the wet you have to attune to be more sensitive to what is going on as the progression feels less so you have to tune in to really get the feel. This is no different from any other tyre when driving quickly in the wet. They were so good in fact I was the fastest Toyota overall all morning in the sprint series and fourth overall in the Japanese Sprint Series against 4WD cars like 800bhp EVO's and Imprezas and the like. 

    On the road in the wet they are probably not far off what the Primacy will do in the dry. Compared to the V105's they simply outperform them and again whilst both are progressive enough, the PS4's simply find more bite. I found when I first put them on I was under driving the car in the wet, it took me a while to get the trust that they will simply keep gripping. You can still slide it round bends and roundabouts but it takes significantly more effort than it does with the V105's and is a world away from the Primacy tyre where you can drift it at practically walking pace on a wet roundabout. 

    Overall the PS4 is easily the best road tyre (I'm not comparing with more track orientated tyres like AD08-Rs and 888's) wet or dry. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Addymk2 said:

    That's not a good sign, I'll drop them an email asking if any additional development work has been done. Ideally, I don't want to be the factories guinea pig

    Welcome aboard. You might just be the second person to try them after Jeff. Nobody to my knowledge runs these since Jeff had his problems with them. Meister R's are not a popular choice for this car it seems. 

  8. 33 minutes ago, CharlieBatchelor95 said:

    Ohh really? Small world... 


    to be be honest I haven’t really noticed the torque dip at the minute but haven’t really driven it hard or at high RPM so that’s probably why I haven’t noticed it. However that being said I’ve never had a Jap car or a boxer engine only reason for thinking UEL is to get the rumble from the engine. 

    Eventually want to go turbo but for now think I’m going to save for the Tuning Devopments NA Kit

    thats fair enough about the figures it’s not about the numbers more just about the driving feel on the road 

    interesting point about the reliability of UEL though never thought of that I’ll do some more reading before pulling the trigger 

    The NA TD kit is a very good option. Loads of us have it. The differences in power and torque between EL and UEL is negligible. The EL is technically better for obvious reasons, but there's nothing really to choose between them. There is only a subtle difference in sound too. If you are going for a manifold make sure you get a resonated exhaust otherwise it will be too loud. I went for a full TD resonated system. I did add two resonators though where the second cat would be to quiten it down a bit. 
