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Posts posted by Lauren

  1. Okay, I will be darn south next Saturday 12th October.The plan is to meet up with Keith, Rob and Jay and anyone else. There also looks to be the opportunity to visit Abbey Motorsports and have a nosey/chat with Mark et al.The plan will be a bit of a drive out and lunch, possibly at the Grasshopper, Westerham before I head back up north.I would love to meet some more of our southern members as I don't often get the opportunity. :)

  2. In respect of your MX5/Miata. As this is over ten years old, it will just need an MOT to pass the test SVA test is more stringent than MOT. You'll have to fit a rear fog light (if it doesn't have one) and sort out the headlamps to point the right way on dipped beam. So it's a bit simpler and a little cheaper for this one. MOT is about £50 (they vary a bit). If you are coming to the UK to live ie moving from your home in the US to set up home here then there is no VAT to pay on your cars (Value added tax which is at 20%), so you'll be glad of that.

  3. Hi, I did post on the FT86 forum, but my posts dissapeared for some reason.In terms of importing you will need an SVA test which is about £150. Also your lights will need to conform to UK requirements. Your headlights need to point left rather than right on dipped beam. I think the BRZ has a rear fog light (this is a requirement here). It does mean though you can lose those orange side repeaters. Also you will need a vehicle road fund licence (road tax) which is £225 per year. Plus insurance which you will need proof of to get the road tax. You don't need an MOT as your car is under three years old. You will also need to pay to get your car registered here so you can put UK registration plates on it. I can ask some friends of mine who have imported plenty of cars from Japan into the UK (very popular here).

  4. Today I replied to a US guy on the UK thread in the regional section of the FT86 forum. I did put in a link to here because he is looking at bringing his car over. I also gave advice on importing, SVA issues with the lights etc. http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1252033#post1252033Four hours later I went back to see if there were any replies and my post had been removed. I had not been contacted. So I reposted trying to remember what I wrote originally. Now when I go back to it, I don't seem to have permission to access that thread. Also I cannot even see the European region in the list. Once again, no notification, nothing. What's more a few posts higher Alec has posted about this club, so I am a bit perplexed as to if this is the problem. I have contacted them asking what is going on.

  5. LOL, Rob. This is my old 'training' route I used to use when I lived in Macc and I was racing. I tended to use the route a lot in the winter on weekdays when it was quiet. It's worth noting it's an anti-clockwise route that starts in Macc and follows the A523 and then uphill on the A54 from Bosley. Then along the top and down the Cat and Fiddle A537. The reason for this is that the A54 is getting on for downright dangerous on the downhill and the Cat and Fiddle is much more fun on the downhill IMO. The A523 is just a bridging road really a bit like the A5 part of the EVO triangle.

  6. It got a lot louder when I got the decat. Performance wise I think the decat gave the biggest increase. Yes, it's worth the money I think!If you're going to do it, you might as well do it properly... :)

  7. A sound generator allows some induction noise to be piped to your cabin. Open your bonnet and have a look. It's entirely up to you what you go for in temrs of induction. You can drop a filter in or change the induction box, lots of options. Some are more money than others. Do they do much, in terms of power? Well I doubt it in all honesty. Mine is supposed to make 12bhp. Yeah, right!
