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Posts posted by Lauren

  1. Okay, the time has come, we set off for a friend's in London tomorrow. Two nights in London as my mum lives an hour from the Chunnel off the M20 which makes it a perfect stopping over point, then early morning Chunnel on Monday morning and so it begins. Am so excited. Tuesday morning will mean an early rise in Basel where we drive to meet Chris who's a Swiss GT86 owner. He's kindly taken a day off to show us four Alpine passes. Yes, I'm looking forward to it! :) I will try my best to upload some pics and a little about how it's going. I'll compile a full write up upon my return.

  2. To be fair Steve, we have discussed and are currently addressing the naming of the club. It is all in progress and will be sorted very shortly. I sincerely doubt that in doing so this will lessen the hostility that has been experienced, but in all honesty I want our club to be obviously different from Dan's forum. We are interested in moving on, not dwelling on petty arguments that can't seem to be resolved.None of the above means we can't work together when it comes to events.

  3. I know that Keith has a high flow cat which is in the secondary cat position. No idea on the weight, sorry. Adrian is currently in Brazil, but maybe someone else will have the answer. Finger in the wind guess says about 15kgs, I could be wrong though, perhaps Keith may have a better idea?

  4. Welcome aboard the Skylark! Hope you enjoy your stay. :)Whereabouts in the country are you? It's just we are pretty active with events and there will doubtless be more happening soon. JAE is the next big show 12-15th September. As Ian said, what spec did you go for? Respect for the RX8, I raced them at launch, back in the day. Great chassis. :)
