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Posts posted by Lauren

  1. Ob. There is no more oversteer or understeer, it was more that the steering feel changed. It is more precise. You simply get more steering feel as there are more vibrations (of the good kind) transmitted to the wheel which make the steering feel sharper and more precise. As a result you can place the car more accurately. Ian, yes I drove Keith's car albeit briefly. Again his steering was more accurate as a result of his chassis bracing too.

  2. I did it as part of the decat. As for gains, well, it's just hard to say. As with all these things you need to see how it complements other mods. It is less restrictive flow wise from a visual perspective. I noticed that when I did the decat and overpipe it made the exhaust a fair bit more vocal. I didn't do a before and after comparison on the rollers so I don't really know, but I think losing the 2nd cat certainly freed up the exhaust somewhat and seemed to improve throttle response.In summary I wouldn't bother with just the overpipe, but if you're doing a decat you may as well do the overpipe as well.

  3. Well, it's a worthwhile mod. The burning question is, can we get the parts at a reasonable price? TRD stuff seems to be very expensive. There is more difference IMO with the chassis bracing than the strut brace and door closers on their own. But, I guess that is not particularly surprising. The most obvious difference is with the steering feel. The front end of the car does feel far more precise. I was reminded of this when I drove my car home and it lacked the precision that I noted when driving the TRD. I know Richard is working hard to get TRD parts for reasonable prices, so watch this space!

  4. This morning presented me with the opportunity to try out some more additions to the RRG Macc' GT86 TRD. Last time I sampled the strut brace and TRD door closers. The has now been fitted with a full TRD chassis bracing kit. This comprises of a number of parts that effectively help to provide more rigidity to the car by triangulating points on the chassis where flex might be present. Here is the TRD chassis bracing kit:Posted ImageAnd in situ on the car:Posted ImageI couldn't not mention the latest TRD addition to the interior. Not cheap, but it does look good! Posted ImageSo, like last time, my route was an anti-clockwise triangle taking in the A534 road to Bosley, then onto the A54 taking me to the plateau on the A537 and then down the infamous Cat & Fiddle. However, this time it was rather foggy. Unfortunately a good part of the road was so obscured with fog that I could do nothing but drive slowly until I could see again. Posted ImagePosted ImageDespite this, which was a somoething of a dissapointment to my passenger who'd never been on the Cat and Fiddle before. I did my best to describe what the scenery looks like when you can actually see it. But what about the car? Well, I did have an opportunity to push the chassis in a few brief places. There is a definite sharpening of how the car feels. The most obvious difference can be felt in the steering which has gained more precision. There is also a tangible difference in feedback in the steering, whereby you feel a tad more vibration. However, this is in a good way and the information coming through the wheel is clear and precise. This gives the car a great feeling down a B-road and inspired confidence in what the car was doing and how much grip there was in the road surface. The whole car felt taughter and perhaps the difference was felt the most when I got to drive my standard car home. The addition of the TRD chasiss bracing is certainly the biggest factor in regard to sharpening the responses and increasing the rigidity of the GT86 chassis. On balance this is a very worthwile modification indeed, for the more accurate steering feel alone. I think i need to start saving! :)Posted ImagePosted Image​

  5. Welcome. It may well be a long wait for the STi from what I've heard. It is by the looks of it, mostly a cosmetic excercise like the TRD. However, it would be rarer than rare, which always has some appeal I guess. Go test drive and see what you think. :)

  6. Sideways, you won't find anything draconian about this place in the way we do things. We want this to be place created by the members for the members. Rob and I have dug into our pockets to get some stickers made up, shouldn't be long till we get those now. All in all, we want to get out there, use the income from traders (when it happens) and from membership subscriptions to subsidise events. It's all about feeling a part of something, I feel. :)

  7. I think your banning might also have something to do with your invitation for people to join the IMOC stand at JAE and your revelation that there are already more participants going on there than there are on the "other" stand.also' date=' the entire BHP Lydden thread seems to have vanished from the other forum[/quote']Yes, maybe, but considering that they are in a position where by Stu's own admission it probably wasn't worth having a stand at JAE, I was merely offering them a plan B. I hadn't mentioned it up until that point. We are unable to defend ourselves and that really is a very poor show. They are making up stuff, to make us look bad. I really can't be bothered to counter argue. I fully expect that Stu will not show his face at JAE now anyway. Shame that as I would have gone over and had a chat just to see what he's like in real life in comparison to how he acts on the forum. As for Dan, well we'll never see him at a show will we? We need some help with cross posting events, I don't think they can stop that.

  8. I'm not entirely sure, Richard. IT seems this must have been building for days. I'm guessing something to do with Rob refusing to return the banner as he feels that DAn has not entirely paid for it and possibly something about Keith's remarks yesterday in regard to the BHP show. I'm not going to stoop to their level. They've done what they've done and I'll just have to concentrate my efforts here.

  9. Stu goes on to say: It is, I agree completely. It's a shame the individuals involved couldn't have put their efforts into making this a better place, instead of going off and doing their own thing and creating a divide. The irony is, some of them consider me and other as "the select few", as if we're the enemy. I personally have invested quite a bit of time trying to improve things here, reacting to suggestions/problems, trying to move things forward yet those actions fail to be acknowledged. I did this because some people were complaining that things weren't being progressed so I stepped up the plate and tried to make a change. I don't think it really comes down to the issues they raise, as they ignored what happened after. I think some people just have to be in control, some people like to complain whatever, and some like to be rebels and follow the new crowd. We always knew clones would be created (although creating a company in our name was quite rich!), it's inevitible, all successful clubs 'suffer' it. I'm only interested in donating my time to help make this a better place. Most of our members are quite happy chatting away on the board, sharing ideas/banter, benefiting from discounts/deals from our traders and other 3rd parties, and meeting up and having a good social time.

  10. I honestly have not spread any misinformation. I have informed people that Dan runs 50 odd forums with the sole intentions of making profit from advertising and traders. He has no interest in the car. If someone would like to explain to me how this is misinformation, then I'm all ears. Furthermore I did not realise that there was censorship in regard to what can be talked about at local meetings.

  11. Apparently: Ian asked: Can you explain why lauren has been banned as she has no idea herself, also if we post a link from the other forum why does web address change, Im a member of two MR2 clubs & we freely copy & paste links on each others websites without issue. Stu said: There were reports from our members that she was attending social meets arranged here and spent time spreading misinformation about our club and pushing her own club, quite aggressively some found.
