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Posts posted by Lauren

  1. Mission statements are not worth the paper they are written IME and opinion. They were a silly craze that started years ago which normally results in meaningless drivel. Just my opinion of course. A not for profit club surely says it all doesn't it? There are no loose thoughts, I have already run a not for profit club for the last nine years. It's a matter of principle and ethos that I don't agree that a car club should be run by someone with no interest in the car and for the only reason of making money. Big difference in approach I think. I'm not convinced it needs a 'mission statement' just to say that.

  2. I am currently sorting a deal to go on the IMOC stand. Just waiting the detail. I'm not sure it's about competition, Steve. I wanted to get involved in the other forum, but the whole ethos of Dan basically setting up forums to make money isn't something I wished to be involved with. So I couldn't really put anything into it. Shame, but it was clear after a challenge that Dan wasn't ready to relinquish his income. Fair enough, why should he?So the obvious thing to do was setup a not for profit club run by members who actually are mad about the car and do something worthwhile, hopefully. I'm sorry you may feel your efforts on the other forum are wasted, but this was my reason for not bothering to post up any threads about my antics. Instead a few of us got our heads together over the last 4 months or so and came up with a plan for a club that will be able to benefit the members. How do we generate income? Traders and we will have in time 'premium' type members who pay a fee. This fee is to support the club and help to cover costs for insurance, general financing and of course for events. Having a limited company with your own bank account makes booking stands, equipment and the like a whole lot easier. Not sure what this fee will be but it's optional and there will be associated benefits as a result. If you think there are some of us getting a free ride, well let me tell you, three of us have already put in monies to buy the software. I'm £70 down so far, but meh, it's about trying to do something. If that's what it takes then it's got to be done. I have already run a large not for profit club since 2004. Do I have to pay the membership fee of £7.50? No, but seriously! I still have to buy my JAE and other event tickets just like everyone else. IMOC still owes me £20 for postage of all the tickets last year. It's obvious I'm not in it for the money! But, I know how to run a club. As for how it affects Dan's forum. Well inevitably it's competitive. But I really do not want to instigate bad feelings. There is nothing stopping us doing this, so Dan cannot complain really. We have a different ethos and approach, but I really feel with Dan's forum, whilst it's a good and active forum, the 'club' side will never really develop as I can see it as the income is going to him. Anyway, lets try and keep this as amicable as possible. I'm not looking for a fight.

  3. Cheers for getting the picture up. :)I can report yes, it's even louder on start up than it was before. But, pootling about it's fine, not an issue at all. I noticed that if I give more than half throttle at say 3000rpm the exhaust note is noticably deeper and sounds like it has a clearer or fuller sound. This is a good thing. It's proper fruity to be fair. Cruising on the motorway is no different. A constant throttle means no drone. Basically the greater your throttle opening the louder it is. But really it just feels like the engine breathing more freely. I would also go as far to say that throttle response is perhaps a bit improved. Over 5.5K and eveyrone is going to know you are coming. :)Thoughts so far? I love it! :D

  4. Well after a serious jam custard imbalance we are back working again. Just the homepage to sort again. Big thanks for Rob who wasn't far off jumping off a bridge, Alex for enduring huge amounts of PITA and Mark for making the necessary changes. I just nagged everyone! :)Here''s to hoping for no more jam/custard imbalances!

  5. Okay, just lost the entirety of my last post by hitting the carriage return. So apologies for poor presentation. Had my 1st service at 9500 miles done by RRG Macc. Excellent service as usual. :) Is it it any louder? Well, the obvious answer has to be yes, really. It's notably deeper and is a fair bit louder than before above 5K rpm. It's not particularly louder (well not much) when pootling about and just like before you don't hear it whilst cruising at speed. Interestingly my work colleagues tell me they can always hear me arriving and reckon I shake the building when I start my car. I'm sure they're exaggerating! ;)

  6. Go for it! No closing date as such. Obviously the sooner we can come up with something that will work and will transfer to clothing and lend itself to embriodery if possible, the better I think! I guess we're all looking for something distinctive but I think it's really important to incorporate the BRZ into it. Makes it more of a challenge I know.

  7. Wow good effort. I know Jay has someone who may be able to help. I think lokoing that image, maybe it needs to be an outline or something where the silhouette is clear but the detail isn't. Think like Banksy or something like that. Or even should we just use a part of the car like sa the headlight which is nearly the same on both and incorporate a BRZ (where the indicator is) and say the round GT86 logo where the main headlight bit is? Just ideas. I may have had too many gins already! ;)
