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Posts posted by Lauren

  1. Hi Alec. Yes, I've had that too. Is too with restrictions on the server. I've been in touch with Alex (Speedy) to sort it hopefully. Pasting a link staight into your post work okay. Can't add links for pics though at the mo'. Less than 24 hours old and teething problems already eh? ;) Good to see you! :)

  2. There might not be much in the way of prizes just yet, but we would love anyone long time who could possibly come up with a logo. I'm afraid I just do not understand photoshop. But, I have an idea. How about a cut and shut of the front end of a GT86 and BRZ combined? I just think it's important we ensure both cars are equally represented. Other ideas are a GT86 logo and the BRZ moniker super imposed over a union flag. Just ideas of course but we need something!
