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About keelerad

  • Rank
    Premium Member
  • Birthday 06/13/1963

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    West Ham United, computing, reading, Billy Bragg,
  • Colour Car
    Was Silver, now Red

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  1. keelerad

    Torque App

    My post with links to youtube vids
  2. keelerad

    NW meet 15th April

    Date: Saturday 15th April Time: 7pm Place: Barton Rouge, 1-4 Granary Wharf, Steam Mill St, Chester CH3 5AN
  3. keelerad

    Tuning Developments Open Day

    Tuning Developments Ltd Unit 32 Melford Court Hardwick Grange Warrington Cheshire WA1 4RZ
  4. keelerad

    Oulton Track Day

    For vids of the circuit see Club You Tube channel here
  5. keelerad

    Happy birthday to Keelerad!

    Spent the day not working watching the Euros, football being another passion of mine Alec
  6. keelerad

    TGB Event - Meet Tetsuya Tada

  7. until
  8. keelerad

    Midlands breakfast meet on the 28th of May


    Here's the real location
  9. until
  10. keelerad

    Midlands breakfast meet on the 28th of May

    Should be along in the Red Alec
  11. keelerad

    Deposit paid on a 13 plate GT86 in red

    Here's the old one http://www.copart.co.uk/uk/Lot/24108626 Will be interested to see how much it goes for
  12. keelerad

    Deposit paid on a 13 plate GT86 in red

    Well having been through the hell of finding out whether I was going to get banned or not yesterday and having to give the courtesy car back tomorrow, thought I'd do something to cheer myself up. Guess I'll have to order a Red Hoodie next time you do an order ! Alec
  13. Thought I'd introduce myself, just paid the deposit on this, hope to pick it up soon, anyone on here seen it about (apart from Rich as it passed through RRG Macc's hands at one point)
  14. keelerad

    The crashed 86 Memorial wall

    Where's the photo evidence Joe ?
  15. keelerad

    The crashed 86 Memorial wall

    Starter for 10, a rear end into Kit on the A43 going to Japfest 2016, looks like she's going to be written off (she was now on Copart auction site here, http://www.copart.co.uk/uk/Lot/24108626 as of 19/5/16 @ £2100 with 5 days to go)