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Everything posted by keelerad

  1. keelerad

    NW Mini-meet Sat 26th Oct Oulton Park & Curry

    I'm probably up for this just need to check with SueAlec
  2. keelerad

    Productive Day

    Be careful when wrapping the head unit surround to make sure you angle the wrap correctly.You might be better going for a 90 degree rotation on the wrap as it may be difficult to match the angle of the pattern exactly and might look better as a contrast rather than an almost but not exactly the sameAlec
  3. keelerad

    My Cars first service

    Yep found them, 4 x 5mm spacers for a GT86, bought them as my Scoobie Winters offset meant they would be 5mm further in, but as tyres were only 205s didn't need them. Are you going to the meet on Nov 9th I can bring them along thenAlec
  4. keelerad

    TRD Sold!

    I was counting the 2nd normal (white?) one you had while the Red one was in the body shop, before you got the Black TRDAlecI had forgotten about that one Alec LOL ive lost count
  5. keelerad

    TRD Sold!

    So you're onto number 5 then, not bad in 15 monthsAlec
  6. keelerad

    Spotted: New Blue BRZ at Bicester Park

    I saw a Blue BRZ driving down the Silk Road in Macc on Sunday morning as wellAlec
  7. keelerad

    My Cars first service

    I have a set of spacers somewhere that I bought for my winters, think they were 6mm, but I never bothered using them, you can have 'em if I can find them, should be in my garage somewhereAlec
  8. Tonights Fifth gear had a feature testing the GT86 against a Megane 265, worth watching on you tube once it gets uploaded, check out http://www.finalgear.com as they normally keep track of when one is availableAlec
  9. keelerad

    Trackday bargain

    That's a very good price, problem is you'd have a load of Skodas getting in the way on the corners :rolleyes:Alec
  10. keelerad

    New Scottish owner

    Added you to the map, if you upload or link a picture I can add it to your map entry, looks like you're not far from fatrab the BRZerAlec
  11. keelerad

    Hello :)

  12. keelerad

    Banzai Magazine

    Have Fun !Alec
  13. keelerad

    Northern Meet / Hoon

    Added you to the map by the way, red does seem popular around there!https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=212362117239343588712.0004c95ce03c267c2e3c8&msa=0&ll=53.856172,-2.702637&spn=0.247856,0.617294&iwloc=0004e8ada5ee4b8bbace0Alec
  14. keelerad

    Hello :)

    Added you to the map
  15. keelerad

    New Scottish owner

    Hi Jon, which part of Scotland are you in and I'll add you to the map
  16. keelerad

    Northern Meet / Hoon

    Yep sounds goodAlec
  17. keelerad

    Litchfield Spec S - web page now live

    Its a centrifugal supercharger (like a turbo but powered by a belt rather than an exhaust turbine) rather than a twin screw, which are the sort normally associated with the Mad Max whine (see http://auto.howstuffworks.com/supercharger3.htm), but on the next page it says it does whine as it spins up, http://auto.howstuffworks.com/supercharger4.htm whoops !Alec
  18. keelerad

    LFA's Blog

    Isn't it the Vatican and a decision has been made ?
  19. keelerad

    Cookie monster on BBC News

    COOKIES !!!!!!!!
  20. keelerad

    Lauren Triangle

    If anyone fancies taking a drive around the route we did at the weekend here's the mapand here's a video covering leaving Macc on the A523 Leek road, past the football ground, up the A54 and all the way round and back down the A537 into Macc (no diversion for the road being closed on this one I did on Tuesday). Video has some useful comments on where to be careful, it has a 720p version if you have the bandwidth. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=rob4CKECFJ0 Alec
  21. keelerad

    Track day liabilities

    Looks like its gone into a right to left input mode, is it hebrew that is written right to left ?Alec
  22. keelerad

    Convertible Anyone ?

    Also it's a RHD Scion ?Alec
  23. [TABLE=class: tableBorder, align: center] [TR=class: msgOddTableRow] [TD=class: msgLineDevider] I've already set up my team, I've set up a GT86 Owners league if anyone else is interested Code to join league is 2205423-463422 Joining the league couldn't be easier. Simply use this link and you'll be added automatically after you've entered the game: http://fantasy.premierleague.com/my-leagues/463422/join/?autojoin-code=2205423-463422 Alec [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  24. For those who are interested in trying this road this was the route shown in the video(High Res version now uploaded) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OB53qekUPc And I have saved this as a GoogleMaphttps://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid...79247,0.528374Alec
  25. Lauren, Rich and I got back to Macc OK, been in touch with Jay so he got back OK, Ross might just be getting back to Belfast about now !Alec