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Everything posted by faith

  1. faith

    RAF Cosford Breakfast meet May 11th

    Just a few pics from today :-) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152802440522646.1073741878.821767645&type=1&l=1b69767a2d
  2. faith

    RAF Cosford Breakfast meet May 11th

    I'm hoping to go too
  3. faith


    Welcome along Jo
  4. I think I need to have a proper look at how this youtube business works.
  5. faith

    Intec Rear Lights are here!

    Defo need to see them on, come on Rob, get that car washed :-p
  6. Sorry, for very short notice, hadn't realised this wasn't here - sorry Some guys are meeting at Grasshopper this evening to say goodbye to Splerb, as she has had enough of 2nd gear issue and Tbucket who is off to a sunny place over seas - it's at 7.30pm .
  7. faith

    Another defector checking in

    Welcome along, sorry it's late :-)
  8. faith

    New kid on the block

    Any pictures?
  9. faith

    Grasshopper - 7th May

    hahaha, good, see you tonight then :-)
  10. faith

    New kid on the block

    Welcome along Peter, and congratulations on choosing by far the best colour for your GT86 B-)
  11. faith

    Grasshopper - 7th May

    Hiya guys, unfortunately, tbucket has had some bad news, so not happening tonight, there is talk about maybe tomorrow, but I'm working so I'm unable to go tomorrow.
  12. 1. Pitman 2. keelerad 3. Mike 4. faith
  13. faith

    They have arrived

    Very nice B-)
  14. faith

    Scottish Meet - 27/4/14

    oh and this one:
  15. faith

    Scottish Meet - 27/4/14

    What a fantastic meet, top man Rob! It was lovely to catch up with friends and meet new ones. Really enjoyed the drive from Glasgow over to Edinburgh and got some nice footage. I can’t get enough of these cars and loved having the chance to look at them. What can I say about the karting, I was on true form and came last after spinning out on numerous occasions. Tbucket would be proud. I have also found some strange bruises, plus a very stiff back and shoulders, but I suppose the 400 mile drive after didn’t help. Very well done to Mani, and basically everyone, as you all came in front of me. My helmet has pink champagne blobs all over it! Loved my prize it was very fitting, a key-ring and a black decal lol I have put my photos in a facebook album, and feel free to copy any: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152771643127646.1073741876.821767645&type=1&l=e3a1fb226a Also, if you want to have a look at basically some awesome cars being over taken and then overtaking, here they are:
  16. faith

    PING! - Easter Sunday

    Well it's nearly 5am, and I haven't slept since yesterday afternoon, so I'm thinking by 11.30 I'm going to be well away in the land of nod :-)
  17. faith

    RAF Cosford Breakfast meet May 11th

    Fair drive for me too, but I'm always up for a drive, so keep us informed :-)
  18. faith

    Decal Opinions

    hahaha, can I just say, that is massive lol!
  19. faith

    Decal Opinions

    What does the RRG sticker look like?
  20. faith

    Easter Egg Hunt

    Sorry for late reply, but I am now working on Friday and Saturday night, so my Easter is going to be a bit of a none event :-(
  21. faith

    Decal Opinions

    I'm the same as knightryder, I have my "advertising" on my rear window. One on each lower corner (apart from my massive Drivers Club one of course)
  22. faith

    Decal Opinions

    Definitely prefer the bigger decal on the rear, and personally feel the one between the badges on the rear looks too cluttered, maybe a de-badge? I really like the side rear one too.
  23. faith

    Helmet Pimping!

    thanks, it took bloody ages
  24. faith

    Helmet Pimping!

    Forgot yesterday, but here is my helmet: