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About willfmair

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  1. willfmair

    Cars and Coffee at The Bell (East Mids)

    My car parked up! Coincidentally there are two other 86's in this picture, just not much of them! Jake's car An aerial view from one of the meet, 4 86's in this one Lewis' 86 leaving one of the meets When Andy came down for one of the meets in his white 86, parked next to Nigel's new performance pack blue edition There are plenty more photos on the Facebook page for anyone that is interested.
  2. Date: second Saturday each month - (13/07, 10/08, 14/09) Location: The Bell Inn, Little Addington, Northants, NN14 4BD Hi all, I posted about this on the Facebook group earlier in the year when I started organising these meets - we've since had 4 successful meets and I just wanted to share it with all of you and also share some pictures of the GT86's that have attended. First of all, Facebook event link is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2174979116126913/ This is just an informal meet I organise at a friendly pub in the East Midlands on the second Saturday of every month (next one being 13/07/2019 - clashes with Japfest Donny, I know). The pub opens it's doors early for us at 10am and serve coffee and bacon rolls/muffins etc. so that we can stand around and chat b****cks about cars! If anyone is local and can make it along to any of the meets, please do! Everyone and anyone is more than welcome. We also have the possibility of organising a Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner meet just for the 86 Drivers Club too - so if anyone would fancy that let me know and I'll sort something out. Anyway, more pics to follow!
  3. Good luck, It's where I bought my car from originally but I wouldn't use them for anything now.
  4. You sound like a right piece of work. Interested as to how you wrote it off, did you reverse into something brightly lit?
  5. willfmair

    Midlands breakfast meet - 18th of May 2019

    Great! Second Saturday of every month, we usually get a few 86's in too. Here's a video a friend made for reference. (Sorry for de-railing slightly, let me know if you want me to delete).
  6. willfmair

    Midlands breakfast meet - 18th of May 2019

    Sure - I organise a monthly Cars & Coffee meet at a pub which is ran by family. I know they would be more than happy to host a meet for us any time. Post code is NN14 4BD. We have facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/bellcarsandcoffee/ Let me know if this looks suitable/something you'd be up for and we can pick a date
  7. willfmair

    Midlands breakfast meet - 18th of May 2019

    Any plans to hold one more East Midlands? Would come to this one but I've got a lot of work to do so can't put the time aside to travel.
  8. willfmair

    GT86Curn's Facelift build

    Nice, look forward to seeing the wheels. How do you rate the focal speaker upgrade?
  9. Hello, I’ve had my eye on the market for a giallo edition for a while now but haven’t had any luck in finding one. I already have a 2012 GT86 in red but want a special edition. If anyone has one, or knows of one for sale, I would much appreciate it if you could let me know! Cheers
  10. Just booked mine in for 16th April at Ron Brooks in Mansfield - after calling a few local dealers last week and not even being able to find somewhere (other than Macc) that were taking bookings until "the letter" arrives, I popped into RB today to try and get an aircon regas and ended up chatting about the recall to find out they did one last week!
  11. willfmair

    More members set to benefit from Chris Knott service

    How do you treat non-fault claims where someone has been bumped by a car in the rear whilst queuing in traffic? Insurance is coming up for renewal in a few months and I'm considering switching from my company insurance as they have switched from using ERS to Aviva as underwriters.
  12. willfmair

    GT86 TRD Parts

  13. willfmair

    GT86 TRD Parts

    Will throw in some black fender garnishes for £10 if this can be collected this weekend (Original cost £80).
  14. willfmair

    Boot spoiler

    Thanks! I must not have seen you - were you in an 86? I always try to wave whenever I see one On that point Nemesis - I have the wing on my car in my profile picture and profile banner on a standard boot with no issues and it's only mounted on the edges - so the reinforced bootlid is absolute b****cks
  15. willfmair

    Is the GT86 going to be safe for my girlfriend?

    Still easy enough to un-stick it with grippier tires on (I run 235's all round as opposed to the stock 215's and can still have fun when it's needed). Where abouts are you based? Another good thing about the 86 is that the owners clubs are very active and I'm sure if anyone was near to you they wouldn't mind taking you out in theirs with better tyres etc. if you wanted to see what it's like