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Iceman200_6 last won the day on April 14 2021

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About Iceman200_6

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    Club Blue

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  1. Iceman200_6

    GT86 Pro-Line Boot Rubber Liner

    Looks good. I've been after one for ages but never got round to looking for one lol.
  2. I never tried them, sorry. I decided that I would stick some cross climates on the wheels that came with my car and buy some new summer ones as my wheels have some curb rash on them. No idea on the space saver but I don't think it would work due to the clearance. I've not got a spare wheel.
  3. Watched it last week. Thought it was pretty good.
  4. Thanks Lauren. I'll give it a go when I get my car.
  5. Hi all, I am getting a Club Edition Electric Blue GT86 with performance pack on Monday, just wanted to know if my old stock winter wheels from my 2013 GT86 will fit? Reason I'm asking is the performance pack has the Brembo brake callipers and I'm not sure if there is enough clearance. I rang my local Toyota dealer who were not very helpful with "don't know, you'll have to try one". Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Iceman200_6

    New Midlands Owner

  7. Iceman200_6

    Mud guards fitted £cheap

    I phoned my dealer a few weeks back, and, they quoted £180!! Said no.
  8. Iceman200_6

    Post your GT86 / BRZ pic of day!

    On the day I got her (week and half ago).
  9. Iceman200_6

    Hello from Wales

    Welcome to the forum.
  10. Hi all Leicestershire based GT86 owners where do you take your car for servicing? Leicester Toyota or somewhere else? Thanks in advance.
  11. Iceman200_6

    New GT Owner in Leicester

    Hi Folks, Got my ginger GT86 today from a fellow member. Love it. I have been wearing the biggest smile all day. Can't wait to take it into work tomorrow. It will be my daily drive. Look forward to meeting you at a future meeting.