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Steeps last won the day on March 22 2021

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About Steeps

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/21/1986

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    Central Beds
  • Interests
    Shooting anything I can...

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  1. Wasn't expecting a go to appear so soon, only just paid for stop. Sent a PM on other side as I was on there earlier.
  2. Steeps

    20% OFF everything on www.part-box.com

    I tried to order a supercharger but the specification had changed to LHD and didn't want to take the risk even though the part code was for RHD. Got any more? Car search didn't work and once in a category it was impossible to filter either by car type or product type once you were in a category. Easiest way to find what I was looking for was to search directly e.g "GT86 brakes" or go through the brands and scroll for what I was looking for.
  3. When was the last time the battery in the fob was changed? If it's getting low the car might only be picking it up intermittently (enough to open a door or power on, but then not picking it up to disable immob). One of my fobs showed yellow key for less than a week before it was completely dead and wouldn't open the door.
  4. The only resolution offered was to ask someone else, which means you were still not happy with me being there. Why would I ask someone else to join again when you would still kick me for the same reason? You could have resolved that but chose not to and for someone wanting to avoid this becoming an argument, that happened when the arguments became numbered. You actually continued to insult me in your first PM to me after kicking me out when I asked what happened and why. I spoke to Jev in PM, I apologised to him for our argument, it got sorted. He reached out when he didn't have to and I respect him for it and I moved on from it. I made one snipe at the group and straight away in one post I'm accused of shitposting when that was my experience of the group.
  5. But it takes at least 2 to argue and the other person this time is you even though this is supposedly against your better judgement... so are you going to kick yourself from the group too because you are arguing and could be an issue? You've kicked other people from the group so maybe you are the issue rather than them? The group does look bad if you boot people before they are settled for your own enjoyment, or if the opinions of 3 people outweigh the majority of the participants, or one admin can over-rule the other 9 when everything is supposedly discussed. The funny thing is the one person who I thought might have had an issue with me being there (once I saw the list in the group) actually apologised for your actions in PM and didn't expect you to do that. This could have been resolved at the time as I said by actually talking to me instead of going straight to the kick button, but straight away after my post on this thread you went on the offense instead of PM, again for someone so determined to take this private you've made no attempt to do so, which means you want this argument to be public in an attempt to justify your actions.
  6. Yes, I didn't reply to the last PM because your final words to me was to ask someone else if I wanted to be re-added which means you clearly didn't want me there or you would have done it yourself. It was you who booted me so it was your issue with me being in the group otherwise someone else would have done it sooner. My comment in this post was just to warn others that they could be booted at any time as your PM to me also mentioned you'd done it to others and I wasn't the only one. You took an issue with my post very quickly and also posted in this thread instead of taking it to PM like you keep asking me to. You say you know better yet still you posted? I do have better things to do with my time including editing a fluffload of photos, but unfortunately I'm working right now rebuilding some servers that I need online for this week and I get a short break every so often waiting for a compile/reboot/restore.
  7. Steeps

    New Theme update

    It usually happens when the software is updated, then the admins spend a few days getting things back to looking pretty again
  8. Countless? 1 PM, 1 reply to said PM, then what can be seen in this thread... would hardly call that countless.
  9. Steeps

    New Theme update

    It's changed a couple of times this week
  10. You mean your bullying behavior about other members in whatsapp, but because this is an open forum that you can't control you don't like it? Those 3 people who supposedly had an issue with me were right to call me an issue, because I don't take too kindly to being bullied or lied to. You intentionally invited me to the group at that time to cause drama for your entertainment then kicked me out when you didn't get it and you were done. No discussion. Just warning other users who wish to join that this is what happens.
  11. That's a shame, if only there was somewhere else I could post while on my phone so I wasn't clogging up your advert...
  12. 1) 3 people supposedly had issues, but no one told me, or thought to ask me, or at least discussed it with me to try and work it out. Considering you keep insisting on PM'ing you my issues no one thought to PM me their issues, instead I was just banned by you. 2) I was not given full disclosure, I had to PM you to ask you why I was banned, you were not forthcoming with the information and tried to blame it on my location even though I am listed in this very thread as being in the area, then blamed the 3 other members, then went on to say all decisions are for the 10 admins of the group but you managed all this in a night. I was only offered the invitation back into the group if I begged for someone else to let me in, you didn't offer it. 3) It was discussed by PM, like it should have been before you acted, again I had to ask because nothing else was mentioned. All I'm doing is highlighting to other potential members that the group isn't as friendly as you're making it out to be and might be kicked with no warning or reason. 4) I'm waiting for server backups to restore so I get a few minutes every so often to read/post. More than happy to keep on posting
  13. Excuses were made, after I had to PM you to ask why I was removed from the group because at the time you gave no reason for it, then tried to make up reasons as to why I was removed. You tried to put the blame on to 3 other people but then went on to say the 10 admins discuss all issues but no one thought it might be an idea to discuss any potential issues with who it might involve? I said I wasn't interested in coming back because you intentionally invited me to the group to cause discussion then when you got bored I was removed and I'm not the only person this has happened to. It is not a group for all and not everyone is welcome because admins can add and remove people as they see fit, there was no discussion. I'm not upset, just saying it how it is.
  14. They'll also kick you for no reason at all then try and blame it on some other bullshit excuse. Everyone welcome!
  15. Steeps

    Milton Keynes Meets and Eats

    Unless you're running late again