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Everything posted by Steeps

  1. Steeps

    The first scare of winter!

    Had the same yesterday, a new housing estate being built and they've knocked up 4 sets of lights and a roundabout on a 500m stretch of road, always make an effort there to set off as loud as possible because the lights are there for "traffic calming" but it very quickly goes from 2 lanes to 1 so it's anything but calm. Set off from the lights quick and as I put my foot down the backend slipped out after the torque dip. Don't think winters are needed, just less nailing it in greasy conditions
  2. My lifetime plan has just been given another bonus. Been trying to find a new job recently but my 20 now 30 mile daily was looking at increasing to 40-50 miles with little extra compensation, which in the winter was looking a bit risky. I may have found something within walking distance so the car will be more of a weekend toy. Will miss the summer hoons but this frees up cash for more toys!
  3. Mine's a lifer, was going to wait 3 years for the PCP to decide what to do (and probably buy another one), but I kinda like the one I have
  4. That article is from October, better go check the tax disc in my DeLorean
  5. Got bored at work, no idea if making this is a big naughty for faking (badly) a (no longer required) tax disc.
  6. Steeps

    What Car 2015 Ford Mustang review

    If I was making my choice of car next year instead of last year I would have seriosuly considered one (and yes, the ecoboost one), but I love my GT86 too much to consider getting one now. Will still go for a test drive though
  7. Steeps

    Steeps' GT86 (Cosworth)

    It certainly feels different, more responsive and perkier. I love the sound from the outside but the inside is getting a bit of getting used to as I had the sound tube blocked since owning the car, might try it with it unblocked. It's still quieter inside compared to an F-Type. I can certainly live with it and I'd rather have the noise than no noise. I didn't have any issues talking at Millbrook with helmets, mapping at Fensport without helmets, and I've not had to turn the radio up any further than usual on the commute. It's a shame they were late to the party but at the same time I am glad they have joined, it also gives credit to companies like Fensport who have worked on the car and are getting similar results with a lot less resources available. The only reason I went with Cosworth is because I like the idea of keeping the car as a package, so when the lottery win comes in I would like the brake kits (supposedly new ones coming out), eventually a supercharger and whatever toys they throw at it. I've not put the badge on as I don't think the car has had enough done to say it's a GT86 Cosworth just yet. Insurance wise, I usually run a few quotes to see how my year might be affected, after the Cosworth launch I found Aviva wouldn't alter the price and they were also very competitive, so just before I had the kit fitted I called them to confirm the changes and they agreed no further charges would be made.
  8. Steeps

    Autumn Classics meet

    Link to gallery: http://dansteeples.co.uk/portfolio/index.php/galleries/gt86-at-autumn-classics-meet.html (yes I'm aware it looks basic, too much time editing photos, not enough time web building)
  9. Steeps

    WHY ?

    Could do 4 loads of washing driving to work with those wheels!
  10. The stick Doesn't look like much, but load a SD with a few images: Sample Sample Sample with car Sample with car any image works with it! Going to have some fun with night time shots
  11. Steeps

    I bought a stick!

    It's not so much a car accessory, but something I bought to make taking photos of cars more interesting, especially in the dark. When taking a photo you're capturing the reflection or source of light as an image. When it's daytime you're getting light from the sun, but in the dark you need your own light which is usually flashguns or lamps. The stick is another source of light, but it's made up of coloured LED's that can create any pattern, so as you're lighting your object you can "paint patterns of light" around it.
  12. Steeps

    I bought a stick!

    Yup, I do a fair bit of long exposure work and adding my own lighting and now graphics is part of the fun of it
  13. Steeps

    I bought a stick!

    The SLR stuff nearly did get sold for car bits, but that was why PCP was invented Next on the list is a car rig for the camera and some softboxes. Stick to car modding, it's cheaper!
  14. Steeps

    More CAT Driving training days

    With the latest Driver training day in 10 days time, is there anyone staying over/plans for anything on the Friday?
  15. Steeps

    Forum Downtime

    See, rabbits are unreliable. Nothing beats a tri-hamster setup! Wheel keeps on turning even when one snuffs it and the other is hanging upside down from the roof bars.
  16. Steeps

    Forum Downtime

    Typically 5-6 times longer, but they're not very good in servers as they sit around a lot. Hamsters are very active in wheels to keep things going.
  17. Steeps

    Forum Downtime

    Hamster died again?
  18. Steeps

    More CAT Driving training days

    Here now too, m1 and the south road into MK have accidents on
  19. Steeps

    More CAT Driving training days

    I'll probably be there around 6ish (MK south, if the plan changes I'll be able to see on here)
  20. If you want to put me down for a kit I'll pay for it, if Toyota end up ripping out my head unit and replaces it with an 8 track I'm sure someone else will take it off my hands
  21. I'm interested in the kit, but I'm still having issues with my head unit freezing (3 software updates, 1 gps replacement, still having issues)... does it just connect to it or is any further work required?
  22. Steeps

    More CAT Driving training days

    I'm around if there's a minimeet on the Friday
  23. Steeps


    Mine was notchy all the time, when adjusted the notchiness disappeared after the car warmed up (8 miles) but I was unable to physically select 2nd at all for the first 3 miles of any cold trip (with video evidence showing this). As they loaned me another GT86 with what I thought was a suitable gearbox they offered to swap the boxes over as they were refusing to install a new one. My old gearbox got worse with age, done 4k on the replacement one without any issues at all. I can try and find all my work sheets to scan.
  24. Steeps


    I had issues with my gearbox and head unit, my car was booked in for warranty work 11 times in total. Gearbox: good luck getting this fixed, some dealers know how to adjust it, oil etc... others will ignore you. Toyota GB is well aware there are some gearboxes which are awful and others which work fine, but apparently it's "within specification". Keep moaning about it if you're not happy. If the dealer says there's nothing they can do then escalate it above them. Head unit: mine has had 3 software updates and a complete replacement... then another software update again when the issue continued. The latest version I have on my system is 2.8.5L for touch+go, ask dealer for the software update and if there's still issues insist on a replacement. I have videos of mine locking up if they are needed. These issues aren't just on 14 plate cars, it's just dealers which sell a product that they can't be arsed to support so try to fob you off.
  25. Steeps

    New Road Tax Rules

    You still have to tax your car, it just means it's all done online (or post office) with an option to pay monthly and with better tracking than just a piece of paper in your window. When the date comes around your vehicle will still be taxed until your renewal date but you don't have to display the disc anymore. If you want to check if a car is taxed/MOT'ed before getting into it you can use this: https://www.vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk/