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Everything posted by Steeps

  1. @ttr I only post it because apparently we are all picking on him when he's just a normal owner yet on 2 forums he's unable to read and follow rules, following them is an inconvenience to him then he comes out with insults when there is evidence he is trading and not being honest about his listings. It's about protecting members otherwise things could get nasty between the buyer and seller if things were not as expected. Considering this thread are "the last of my bits" surely the fenders would have been re-listed if they hadn't sold in the other 5+ threads they were listed in?
  2. Evidence says otherwise: Fusion: Posted: 17 Apr 2017 at 9:05pm: GT86 side fenders; midnight blue - £20 + postage Jev: 18 Apr 2017 at 8:52am: I'm interested in the side fenders I'll pm you my email/WhatsApp and could you send me some pics! Thanks allot Fusion: Posted: 18 Apr 2017 at 7:34pm: Pictures of items Then after that they were listed as sold... so did you ask for pictures of the items AFTER you'd bought them off ebay or is your memory a bit hazy? Then..... Jev: Posted: 26 May 2017 at 9:39am: FOR SALE: Blue gt86 fender garnishes as new - £80 these are really easy to change you could take the badge of and spray/wrap them also. then stick them back on! Even Kesler on the other side was getting frustrated with your for sale threads with lack of pictures.
  3. Lies, you bought them off Fusion423 on the other forum for £20, the for sale thread is still live!
  4. I never saw the blue side fenders you bought for £20 then resold on for £80 on your black car... just sayin...
  5. Steeps

    Close call = Dash cam ordered

    London black cabs yes, very well trained (the knowledge) and more road savvy than most users, but these are regular taxi firms so as long as you've been driving for 12 months, done an advanced test, know how the grid system works and know where the major landmarks are you're pretty much good to go. MK has a lot of competition for taxi drivers so it's a race to the bottom for pricing and talent, anyone more capable of driving will go elsewhere.
  6. Steeps

    Close call = Dash cam ordered

    MK is a strange place, large wide roundabouts on DC roads so it's quite easy to maintain speed around a roundabout but you know the car at the next junction won't judge it properly and still try to leap out in front of you. Having experience with a Ford "powershift" gearbox with a laggy turbo they neither have power or shift off the line. Sometimes I swear it would be safer for the drink drivers to be on the roads than the standards of taxi drivers doing the short runs.
  7. Depending on your budget I think fitting the lightest wheel you dare would make more of a difference than specifically selecting a size
  8. Steeps

    GT86 (2012) | FR-S 2013 | Same car?

    For some reason the US/elsewhere are always a year ahead with their model numbers, so the 2018 car is the car you can buy now etc. If your car was registered in 2012 it was probably a 2013 model.
  9. Steeps

    Photobucket f**k up

    No, it's relying on a free service then bitching when it goes away and how much work it would take to set up elsewhere. Free hosts always come and go, changing conditions with subscription options and advertising packages. Would you rather they just closed all the free hosting accounts instead, deleting all the data?
  10. Steeps

    Photobucket f**k up

    TBH I don't blame photobucket, server resources cost money and it's your fluffup for relying on something that was free and not within your control. At least if my host has a moan for my resource usage I can take the files and domain over to a different host with minimal downtime/effort.
  11. Steeps

    Here she is!

    It's not just about less grip, depending on the ditchfinder they put on it could potentially have no grip and make every corner a 4 wheel drift (and in a town with many roundabouts that's quite a risk). As an example there's a corner on one of my favourite private race tracks that is rated for 60mph, even a HGV could. My old hatchback would happily roll around it at 70 no problem and the GT86 will happily hug the racing line over 80. With Nexens fitted (summer tyre) and in the dry every time I'd find the car losing both ends at 50. Every roundabout the TC would cut in because the back end was trying to swing out at 15mph. The Primacy tyre is an OEM tyre so the dealer will have no issues getting hold of it, some don't like it because it has less grip than other brands but it is a LOT better than budget tyres and more progressive with the way it allows you to push rather than making you fall off the road when it feels like it.
  12. Steeps

    Here she is!

    Considering Supagard's own literature says it has to be applied when the car is brand new and weeks/months after it won't be effective pretty much says it all, not worth the cost. Also make sure the dealer fits a decent brand of tyre, if it's Nexen refuse to accept the keys because dealers love to put £50 ditchfinders on to save a few quid.
  13. Steeps

    PFC - Performance Friction Front Pads

    Clubracers eat discs, it's getting the balance between a longer life pad and how often a disc would need to be changed (and the cost of both) Got some PFC pads to try once my streetmasters are low, but that could take a while now
  14. Steeps

    Dan J's BRZ

    Mine registered 90dB too but bedford still told me it was 95, so should be fine for static testing anyway at most circuits. Could possibly try setting up a driveby noise test if we know roughly what distance it's expected to be at and we find a quiet bit of road.
  15. Steeps

    New Soon to be '86 / BRZ owner

    There's quite a few couples on here with GT86 pairings, then you have TTR who just has two for himself!
  16. Steeps

    Soon to be a GT86 Owner o/

    Welcome, I'm just outside of MK. We usually have a few meets around MK to chat cars and sample restaurants, also booking on track at Bedford and regular training sessions at Millbrook with CAT driver training to get the most out of our cars. It's unusual for a dealer to be buying up cars that are over 4 years old but then again Steven Seagull constantly call me up trying to get me into a new car even though I had a bad experience with them the first time, so it sounds like they've convinced someone and waiting for delivery of the new car before they can get that one in to sell on. The Cosworth 1.1 kit gains a bit low end but the biggest gains from a catback come after the dip when remapped, I've had it running on my car for the last 3 years and recently upgraded to the 1.3 kit. As Lauren says the best gains for the dip come from swapping out the manifold (to something long tube and decatted for best results) and a remap to match. Loads of parts available locally either from Amber Performance (Dunstable) or Fensport (Huntingdon way). The advantage of swapping out the catback/air filter first is you can usually swap them out without needing a remap straight away. As Cosworth have discontinued their exhaust development it might be a struggle to get something now, however the 1.0 off the shelf kit can still be bought if you want to do the remap yourself with a package and occasionally a catback (0.1, making it a 1.1 kit) can be bought second hand. I currently have one that's done less than 2k road miles sitting in my garage that I took off my car (from new) as I was using it to test side by side my existing Cosworth catback (3 years old and 25k road miles). The catback alone is fine for noise, but as it's a 3" system once you start removing cats or swapping out manifolds the noise gets much louder much sooner so it's something to take into account with your long term modding plans. Unfortunately I got to try what adding a manifold to the car could do so my trade off is having a loud car but it is so much fun to drive. (within the speed limits honestly officer!)
  17. Steeps

    Shambolic service from Adrian Flux.

    ERS might try to get you to call AF directly and not deal with you, but if you call them to complain that the terms of your insurance from AF are not clear and they are unable to clear it up, you need to find out exactly what you have been sold and if ERS did change the term or if AF messed up in the first place by selling you the wrong policy and hoping you won't notice. If you gave the insurer the wrong details it would be insurance fraud which is very serious, so I would expect a policy to be properly issued and if it has been mis-sold (changing the conditions of the policy without telling you) that to me is just as serious. You need to have the policy amended to what you agreed, getting it canceled could hurt you depending on how they word the cancellation letter.
  18. Steeps

    Shambolic service from Adrian Flux.

    "The terms changed"? If there's a change in the terms you should have been notified about it when that happened and they should have documented evidence of trying to contact you with your changed insurance policy. ERS have some contact phone numbers, I would be calling their customer services ASAP to see if your policy did have the terms changed.
  19. Should be on the sticker on the bonnet what code yours is, pre 2015 is generally E8H, post is K3X. If you're already re-painting it might be easier just to get your holes filled and that section re-painted rather than starting from scratch and painting one.
  20. Just a heads up, as yours is a 13 plate they changed the shade of blue when a spoiler-less boot lid became available, so you won't find one the right shade of blue and OEM spoiler-less to match your car.
  21. Steeps

    New to RWD!

    Cheap generic tyres really ruin the experience of the car unless you are planning to take every roundabout sideways, in which case replace the fronts with ditchfinders too and 4 wheel drift every corner . As it's your first RWD car I'd get either all 4 matching or at least something grippier on the rear. It is a revvy engine, as long as it's warmed up before redlining/driving hard there shouldn't be any issues but using the full rev range gently should be fine.
  22. NO! BAD! Stop posting stuff I really want!