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Everything posted by Steeps

  1. Steeps

    FI tuning on AT, questions.

    Might be worth having a read of this: For road use you're probably fine putting the power through it, but going near track it's going to cook the box.
  2. Steeps

    FI tuning on AT, questions.

    Wouldn't want to be putting more than 280bhp at the crank through the autobox, it's made of cheese. The Cosworth kit mapped to 2.3 is what they have tested is safe for the engine without it becoming a lottery on the rods, the gearbox will not handle any more power. Speak to Fensport about the autobox because they have a lot of experience trying to put power through it for one customer with the Avo turbo kit.
  3. I might come down, car needs a drive, I need a drive... and I get to play on the A507 which is always an advantage
  4. Will this survive being out in horizontal rain for a good 3-4 hours without getting too sweaty in summer? Need to plan for Anglesey as last year's solution sucked.
  5. Steeps

    In Viz today...

    Should have bought a new one to take full advantage of the Toyota 5 year warranty, then the sales person could sell you "tyre insurance" to go with alloy/smart/paint/gap/breakdown/payment/dragon/volcano insurance options that triple the monthly PCP payment when doing 3,000 miles a year.
  6. Steeps

    Toyota Yaris GRMN

    Will be interesting to see the price, it's going up against the Fiesta ST200 directly which starts at £23k. It looks a hell of a lot better than the courtesy Yaris' that I've borrowed, filter some of these into the TSS soon?
  7. Steeps

    Aftermarket hybrid/KERS

    Something I've liked the thought of, the problem comes from capacity. On the hybrid range of Toyotas if the electical capacity runs out you drop some efficiency but that doesn't matter because it's only needed for test conditions to get the cheap road tax. If you're using the system to boost performance this is a lot more noticable if it runs out of power. To increase the capacity you're adding a lot more weight, which wouldn't suit the car.
  8. Steeps

    Daily Driver Vs Weekend Toy

    Mine was bought as a daily but now it sits on the drive looking pretty all day because the drive is the closest free parking space to my current work. I miss the daily drive home through country lanes and wide open roundabouts but the money saved on commuting pays for the 3-4 trackdays a year I try to do. Car is coming up to 4 years old this summer, yes I could trade it in for something more weekend focused or cheaper to sit on the drive, but it does everything I want it to do and I love the feeling of rolling it off the drive when I get a chance to, knowing I'm going to enjoy the driving.
  9. Steeps

    Phone ban - watch out...

    Well there goes playing Pokemon Go while stuck in traffic, suppose I better get back to rubbernecking at attractive ladies and car accidents. If your car is fitted with start/stop tech is it now legal to use your phone while stopped at a junction because your engine isn't running?
  10. Steeps

    Parking sensor - comments please

    Did you pay for any of the car on a credit card (£100+)? if so get in contact with your card issuer and raise a dispute for how much it would be to have the kit fitted at another dealer. You might be able to do this with a debit card (Visa does similar) but check your rights with whoever you bank with.
  11. Steeps

    Proper footwear required...

    I drive in my heels every weekend, no problems here using toes
  12. Steeps

    Milton Keynes Meet & Eats

    Might still be there at that time, feel free to pop down still. I'll take your confirmed spot
  13. Steeps

    Midlands Breakfast Meet - 18th February

    Nope can't do it now, would be 4 hours travel time and I've got work overtime to do
  14. Steeps

    Marks Mods

    Stick the brick back on
  15. Steeps

    Midlands Breakfast Meet - 18th February

    Bump! My Sat moved to Sun so this is a maybe if I can wake up early enough.
  16. Steeps

    Milton Keynes Meet & Eats

    Possible, will confirm closer to date
  17. Steeps

    Car History

    13 year car history: Nissan Almera - Mk2 (Was supposed to be a Mk3 Mondeo but after going to view 3 they were sold the next time I went to go put a deposit down, so had to take the next best thing on the forecourt due to work. Again only planned to be a first car... had it for 5 years and would have kept it if I had the drive space) GT86 - Current and no plans to change
  18. Steeps

    Show season prep

    My plan in the next few months to stick on all the parts I bought months/years ago that I've not had the time to fix myself. Complete exhaust refresh (got parts) Fresh remap Install reversing cam (got parts) Rear sound reduction materials/de-rattle Maybe give it a wash Refurb new alloys (after tyres have been used up, might be next year) Sell spare stock wheels and tyres Consider brake options, needs to be done before track days
  19. Don't think I've ever been out in your car on the road, but on track the new H&S kit pre-resonator was a lot more comfortable than the Cosworth catback but still suited the car very well. I know exactly what you mean with the drone at 3k WOT as it can be an issue when using cruise on a motorway... I think going 1.3 might make this worse
  20. Steeps

    My car has had a remap?

    If it was done locally it could have been done at RA Motorsport, they have someone in to map cars and jumped on the GT86 modding scene early.
  21. The Aero kit was a €1600 painted option on cars in the EU excluding the wheels, in the UK including wheels it was £2600 fitted to the car.
  22. Steeps

    New owner .. well will be in March 2017

    When I ordered my car in July I thought I would have to wait until Sept/Oct for delivery... no it was already in stock and at the dealer's 4 days later. Was I going to wait a month for the plate to change over? Not a chance! I bought the car to drive and enjoy, if it was supposed to make financial sense I wouldn't have bought a new one. Get it registered and enjoy the car.
  23. Steeps

    Getting price gouged help me pls

    My renewal stayed the same, but when I called to add the wheels suddenly I was asked about the performance enhancements of my air filter and exhaust even though they had been on the car for 2 years and declared as a 10% increase in power, then hiked the price up 20% to add the alloys because the car was suddenly too sexy and it would be stolen, decided not to explain that they were a summer wheel only and the stock ones would be on in winter as they'd probably want another 20% increase because I want a safer tyre on the road.
  24. Steeps

    Getting price gouged help me pls

    Add a parent with no accidents to the policy as a named driver (not you as the named driver) even if they have no intention of driving the car. Might cut some of the risk and drop the quote price for comparison sites.
  25. Steeps

    GT86 Reverse Camera Kit

    I've still got mine from the original group buy sitting on a shelf... should probably fit it soon.