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Everything posted by OnlyNothing

  1. OnlyNothing

    Insurance Advice

    200 pounds! That's so cheap
  2. OnlyNothing

    Insurance Advice

    Quick update - Managed to get quotes down to 2.2K however, this is when I turn 19 ( in a month so calling Admiral about that tomorrow ) and also with me not listing my crash - 2 named drivers with employed jobs also lowered it by 700 pounds. However, after speaking to the person I crashed into, she did report it to her insurance company and said we were going private. Does this mean it's on the shared database and I still need to report it? Thanks,
  3. OnlyNothing

    Insurance Advice

    When I deleted the crash, Elephant was offering me 3K so it does make a huge difference! I will keep playing around and see where I get That's exactly what I'm looking for! Okay will give them a go and will play around with the Jobs and see how much closer to 2.5K I can get
  4. OnlyNothing

    Insurance Advice

    Have done but it adds 1K to the quote. Sweet thank you, I will give them a go and see what they say. Limit is at 2.5K so it's not too low!