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About DGT86R

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  1. I’ve had coilovers in my garage for about 3 years now as I couldn’t decide between airride and them. Now I’ve used the airride a bit, figured I’d try coilovers…otherwise pointless having either sat in garage doing nothing 🤷‍♂️
  2. Has now done around 6k miles. £1,500.
  3. DGT86R

    Rear View Mirror

    Or you could replace with a framed Impreza one for about £20...same fitting
  4. Standard suspension taken off a BRZ Haven’t done many miles £125 posted Location: Wolverhampton
  5. They were on the car about a month so have done no more than 300 miles £60 posted Location: Wolverhampton
  6. DGT86R

    Crystal Eye/Spec-D fogging issue?

    Mine did the same. It just disappeared after a week or two. Can keep your headlights on every time you drive to speed up the process
  7. DGT86R

    P3 Vent Gauge

  8. I just have other plans with the car and want to put the money into it elsewhere
  9. DGT86R

    P3 Vent Gauge

  10. DGT86R

    Go pro help

    I’ve just ordered a Hague headrest mount too and will be using SJ8 pro camera with it. My last SJCAM was the 5000 wifi, 3 years later after being used in the sea, pool, dropped, exposed to heat etc and also as a dash cam to get the most out of it, it’s still working brilliantly. Expect the SJ8 to be even better. Do you have Racechrono pro on iOS or Android?
  11. Hard to get a pic of the struts really as the wheels are on, can try if you need me to but yes still for sale @CA11RBZ