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About Ridowh

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  • Birthday 07/22/1968

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    Motorsport, cars, I.T., gadgets, cars, umm.....oh, and cars.
  • Colour Car
    Tornado Grey

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  1. Ridowh

    Desperate for Help On HKS Supercharger

    Sorry to resurrect this, but was the HKS Installation PDF ever posted by the OP?
  2. I have just had to order one from Toyota as one of mine must have dropped off somewhere. Assuming no one is running around pinching them off GT86s when parked up because they are hard to find. Anyway, it arrived at my dealers two days after I’d ordered it. Total cost was a smidge under £44. Not quite the “few pounds” that the service manager told me it would be. Mind you, it did come already painted in the correct colour for that price. I was told that if it needed painting as well then the price would be upwards of £60. Hence why I wondered if they were being pinched to order.
  3. I agree with Rich. They can’t be they sensitive. I ‘slipped’ off the track at Goodwood last year, doing about 40 mph by the time I ‘lovingly kissed’ the LHS of mine into the metal Armco barriers just after the chicane. It was quite crunchy. The rear n/s bumper and wing hit first. Then the barrier obviously decided that it hadn’t caused enough damage, so swung me around and gave the front n/s wing and bumper a good snack for good measure. Amazingly the passenger door got away without a mark. Anyway, more to the point, no sign of any airbags going off. Thank God. It would have made things even more expensive to get sorted out.
  4. Hello all, A post on our club’s FB page earlier today, about fuel prices, got me thinking about what useful steps could be taken by us in an attempt to minimise the risk of the possible negative outcomes of using cheap fuel, 95RON, or fuel of a poorer quality than Shell V-Power when filling up the tanks of our pride and joy. I realise that not all of us will be able to continue using Shell V-Power 99RON. I am fortunate as I don’t work and do a tiny mileage each week, some of which can be avoided. Others among us may have to travel 1000+ miles a week because of work and commuting etc. Not all those travelling for work are able to claim back their petrol expenditure. My most recent fill up, at my local Shell, saw prices of V-Power 99RON at 178.9 pence per litre I have seen prices at other Shell outlets (I use the PetrolPrices.com website and also the app) of 187.9 pence, and I honestly don’t think it will be too long before us GT86/BRZ owners will be facing the 190.0p, and then the 200.0p per litre milestones. What worries me is that once we cross each threshold, the big oil refinery companies will consider consumers become normalised, and, rather than dropping prices back down if possible, they will continue to hold the price, Or raise it further. This might occur even more so with what could be considered the ‘luxury’ fuel types as there will be far fewer numbers of customers that absolutely have to use those fuels, and therefore far fewer making complaints. Has anyone had any experience using any kind of octane enhancers, fuel cleaner additives, or entire fuel system/injector cleaners, or decarbonisation additives etc.? It would be really interesting to know what kind of technology and products exist out there that might be helpful to those of us that have to use cheaper, poorer quality, and 95RON fuels out of necessity. I or Rodney have never had any experience of these things, save for using the additives required for running unleaded fuel in a vehicle (vintage minis) that hadn’t had its valve seats modified, and I imagine that there has been a significant number of advances in this arena in the last decade or so. Does anyone have any thoughts on all this? Are there any economists amongst us that have any knowledge/predictions about where our fuel costs might be trending in the future?
  5. Hello all you beautiful people, Covid-19 and personal health conditions pretty much made me crawl into my shell and pull the front shutters down for the last 18 months. I occurred to me that the only good drive I’ve let my gorgeous Lola have recently was a Goodwood track day, where I managed to give it full beans a split second sooner than I should have done (with all the nannies turned off), lose the back end, nearly get it back until it touched the grass and then I just slid off the track, glancing into a barrier requiring the replacement/repair of my rear end, light cluster and the left front and rear wings. An expensive way to end a track day. And to make things worse, it was my birthday as well. I realised that I was really missing the face-to-face social aspect of owning these delightful little motors. So, I was wondering when the next club meet-up will be? It seems like an awful long time since I attended the last one (Japfest 2018 I think it was, shocking I know). Also wondered whether anyone knew of dates for Japfest 2022. Rich
  6. Ridowh

    Causes of brake fade on a track day

    Thank you Kaltorak, I agree with you, my first impression was that of a fluid boiling situation, causing bubbles in the lines, however within 30 seconds of it occurring they felt ok again. I pulled off the track at the pit exit and stopped to talk to an official (to see if I had left a trail of debris behind me on the track) and the brakes were cooking big time so he sent me off to drive out to the main road and back to cool then down. The way the pedal felt reminded me of the way a brake pedal felt many years ago (back in the Mini modding days of my late 20s and early 30s) and I was in the process of changing, and bleeding to a brake fluid. I haven’t experienced brake fade due to heat before though, so I wanted to ask. As for the speed, I had been totally flat out down the longest straight there before braking. It was an estimate. The car still had some more to give, just not enough straight left. I totally love the track at Goodwood, it’s technical enough to be a challenge, and difficult enough to really teach yourself a lot.
  7. Hello all, I searched for this but couldn’t find anything specific. (The background): I tracked my car at Goodwood last October/November. At the time my car was an auto GTS (Australian import) with an HKS Supercharger and Cobra Res Catback done by Fensport, plus some lovely ECUTek magic done by Adrian there. The rest of the car was stock (Australian) standard at the time (I’ve fitted Tein Flex As and EDFC Active Pro since, with GPS, and adjustable front and rear links etc.). Our next track day is booked for July. The car was running brilliantly and I was pushing more and more with each lap and the car was totally solid. The only problem I had was a big fade under very heavy braking at the end of the long straight there. Probably coming down from close to 140mph to about 40mph. The brake pedal went straight to the floor and, even though the car did slow, it wasn’t sufficient to make the corner and I tried to demolish the plastic guide arrows along the left hand side of the track. Fortunately they were the rebound type so they just left a load of white marks all over the front wing and under the left hand skirt. No biggie. The friend I was doing the day with reckoned that just changing the pads to something more heavy duty would prevent this happening again. I have since purchased Goodridge braided lines, a master cylinder brace, DoT 5.1 fluid, and HPS Hawk pads front and rear. The pads have all been fitted and run in. The feel is massively better even though it’s only been for road use so far. I haven’t gone as far as to fit the lines, brace or change the fluid. I am keen to only make one change at a time, and since the last track day the car now has the Teins and EDFC units fitted, however I simply can’t afford to run a track day, even a half day one, every time I want to test a change. (The question) (*sigh* finally, I hear): In your experience, to what extent do you think that fitting just the pads will have relieved the situation? Many thanks for your time, Richard
  8. Ridowh

    Superchargers and fuel consumption, any views?

    This had been very informative. Thank you all. When Fensport fitted my HKS S/C I seem to remember them saying my fuel consumption would be a little higher, though I don’t remember exactly what they said. I do know that I went back to them after a couple of months to query it. These are my results. All except the track day are taken from fairly careful driving without too much exuberance: N/A (pre supercharger) 7.9 l/100km ≈ 35.4 mpg With S/C 11.5 l/100km ≈ 24.4 mpg Track day, 9x15 mins 29.6 l/100km ≈ 9.5 mpg After reading all the comments here I feel much happier now that I am in the ‘normal’ range post having the S/C fitted.
  9. Ridowh

    TEIN Flex with EDFC Active-Pro

    Thanks Lauren. I’m really looking forward to meeting up with people. My last meet was Japfest 2018, just after I had got my car from the shipping company after returning to the U.K. That was what confirmed my plans for fitting S/C and more. It’s taken this long to realise those plans. Now the fun should begin, apart from bloody Covid-19 messing things up. If you have any track days planned before next year give me a shout and I’ll see if I can travel up and meet you. What new car are you getting by the way?
  10. Ridowh

    TEIN Flex with EDFC Active-Pro

    Thank you Mike. That is very helpful indeed. I was struggling to think where to fit the front driver unit. I saw pictures somewhere where someone had fitted the rear driver unit into a cutout in the polystyrene boot liner. Although they fitted it heatsink side up I would still worry about putting something designed to be a hot heat sink into a material that is an insulator. I like your ideas much better. I also saw the GPS very neatly fitted into one of the front dash speaker pods, under the mesh grill. That looks ideal as well as long as there’s no interference with picking up the requisite number of sat links. I agree with you in that the overall job of fitting them is a pretty simple one. I’m looking forward to doing it. Also, after a mispent youth carrying out jobs on cars and motorcycles with zero planning I have turned into a ‘measure twice, cut once’ person now, especially when it comes to £800+ worth of kit. If I make a good enough job of it I’ll make sure I take a bunch of photos for anyone else that decides to go the EDFC route in the future. I’d had the shocks and EDFC sitting on a shelf in the garage for a year and was desperate to get it fitted and working (just after I bought it all I came down with serious osteoarthritis problems in both knees which put me out of action for months). I can’t wait to have it up and running properly before my next day at Goodwood, which I am planning for late Sept early Oct. I want to have a good amount of time to fully configure and fine tune it first so I spend less time messing with it at the track, and fit more sessions in. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone at Japfest next year, and maybe even a track day meet if one happens sooner than that.
  11. Ridowh

    TEIN Flex with EDFC Active-Pro

    Thanks Luke, my main concern is not to attach the feed to a circuit not designed to handle the current requirements. The controller won’t draw much, so so the head unit feed will likely be more than enough.The front and rear driver units may well be drawing a bit more though. I sent an email to Yukiko to ask her opinion so hopefully she’ll reply in the next day or two. I have to wait for the GPS sensor I only just ordered from Fensport in any case.
  12. Ridowh

    TEIN Flex with EDFC Active-Pro

    Hello guys and gals, I know it’s been a while since this excellent thread last received a comment. I’ve just fitted Flex As and am about to fit the EDFC Active Pro with GPS sensor too. I was just wondering whether any kind soul can point me (ideally with pics, or video if available) to where the most convenient place to pick up the 12V accessory power feed, and negative points too, in the front and back of the car for the attachment of the EDFC power filter unit, and the front and rear motor controllers. I’ve seen a lot of vids and textual explains of how to fit EDFC but haven’t yet spotted how the wiring has been done. Really looking forward to meeting you at an upcoming meet Lauren, would be really interested to hear about all the things you’ve done to your car. Many thanks 😊 Richard
  13. Ridowh

    Your Fuel Economy?

    Thanks for your replies. You’ve all set my mind at rest now. I shall be taking a couple of 10 litre fuel cans to the next track day so I don’t need to pop out during the day, resulting in missing either lunch or the chance to get an extra 15 minute session in. In the next couple of months I’ll be fitting a set of Tein Flex As and the EDFC Active Pro system, alongside upgraded brakes pads,and DOT 5.1 fluid. Can’t wait to get that installed and then spend a day track testing it. I’ve read Lauren’s thread about it and it really looks to be an awesome upgrade. So many things these days deliver only minimal bang for buck but reading about EDFC (especially the Active Pro) looks like it’s worth every penny. Happy and Safe New Year’s motoring all 😊
  14. Ridowh

    Your Fuel Economy?

    Hi guys and gals, I have read the posts in this thread with interest after my recent track experiences. Please can anyone else share their consumption figures for their S/C 86/BRZ/FR-S on track? I need to understand whether or not I have a mapping problem. When i bought my car (in Australia from new) I was getting an average of 7.9 litres per 100km (approx. 35.4 mpg) I had a S/C fitted last year and finally got around to a day at Goodwood in December. I was somewhat shocked to discover that the 8 or 9 sessions of 15 minutes each across the day used an entire tank of fuel (Shell V-power 99 RON). According to my dash info I was getting an average of around 8 or 9 mpg! This surprised me, even though I knew that I would obviously have a decrease in fuel economy. I have 3 ECU maps from Fensport: 98RON Aggressive Throttle - 7600 rev limit 98RON Eco mode std throttle - 7600 rev limit 95RON standard throttle - 7400 rev limit I was running on map number 1 , which worked wonderfully, I just suffered what appeared to me to be horrendous fuel consumption, which has left me concerned I may have an ECU map problem.