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Everything posted by stephen

  1. stephen

    Just to say hello!

    Hi all! thanks for the greetings. My BRZ is blue, manual. Goes like a dream!. I don't have any plans yet - got to get used to it first ! Plus I don't have any cash now to spend on extras. Maybe a Zunsport grill - what do people think of these? Anybody have details of the Fensport meet on 15th March?
  2. stephen

    silly questions from a newbie!

    thanks for your help folks!
  3. What is the indicator light for on the right side of the satnav/audio unit? Looks a bit like an afterthought! No mention in the manual. Is there a way to change the dip direction of headlights (for driving in France) or do I have to stick stickers on?
  4. stephen

    oil cooler

    Why have you got a cover over the alternator? My BRZ hasn't!
  5. stephen

    Reversing camera - help needed!

    So - speaking as a newbie - how do I add a reversing camera to my BRZ?