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About shaunharper13

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/10/1993

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Cars of all kinds mainly jap, football and chillin out at home with the lads playing Fifa with a few cans
  • Colour Car
    black with red stripe

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  1. shaunharper13

    Headlight problems

    Car is a 63 plate and no there’s no clicking or anything ... I don’t know the voltage as of yet but the full beams work when I have my lights on side lights or even the day running , the engine bay is also is good nick no rust or anything ... but I’ll check the fuses and stuff to stay of the safe side before I start spending money
  2. shaunharper13

    Headlight problems

    Right we’re to start ... my drivers side headlight started flickering gave it the old bang started working fine after a few day went completely off , changed the bulb a week has gone by now the other side has completely gone off... also my full beams don’t work .... however if I switch from day running back to the headlights (auto) they start working again as normal for a few minutes before they go off again .... I did think it could be the actual clusters themselves but throughout the dayrunning light are always lit even when the headlights go out ..... I know it’s hard to follow especially with my shit grammar but anyone got any suggestions ? Loose wiring maybe or even a fuse ? Cheers scouse
  3. shaunharper13

    Open Day Spring 2017 @ Tuning Developments 16/04

    Yeahh put me down wanna have a better look at this turbo kit I'm tempted to get one fitted 🙈
  4. shaunharper13

    Tuning Developments - 27/03/16

    Lmao ey I'd have that starlet in a flash ... What a car that was id love to throw that round the track
  5. shaunharper13

    Tuning Developments - 27/03/16

    Mate I know I'm a scouser but I can't even rob myself a turbo 😔 Haha but it'll come soon with a nice set of Rota GTR's
  6. shaunharper13

    Tuning Developments - 27/03/16

    Ey I'm easy enough to recognise I'm the lad nicking all the parts while no one is looking
  7. shaunharper13

    Open Day Spring 2016 @ Tuning Developments 27/03

    Lmao 😂 Yeahh I'll come best bring the plastic I want new wheels aswell 🙈
  8. shaunharper13

    Open Day Spring 2016 @ Tuning Developments 27/03

    Haha sorry and could get a gazeebo up if worse does come to worse
  9. shaunharper13

    Open Day Spring 2016 @ Tuning Developments 27/03

    Always seems to end up nice on Easter Sunday anyway
  10. shaunharper13

    Hi from up north

    Yeahh a bit more north than me then in Liverpool haha
  11. shaunharper13

    Hi from up north

    Welcome to the club mate , how far up north are you? Were you from
  12. shaunharper13

    State reunion

    Lmao looks like your raving on your display picture 🙈
  13. shaunharper13

    State reunion

    Rob Swindon ? He's not coming down now he said earlier he's got a big drinking sesh on the Saturday so he can't make it
  14. shaunharper13

    State reunion

    Boys and girls on Sunday night there is an old night club in Liverpool re-opening for the first time in years ... The state nightclub ... Just wondering is anyone up for it ? Not sure on ticket price I think it's about 15quid but gonna be all the old dj's on like 2funky2 and ocieana LIVE!! Only asking as its the TD opening day the same day so thought may be a nice finish to a good weekend and you'll have the Monday to recover warrington is only like 10miles down the 62 from Liverpool and most of youse are staying over anyway so it's entirely up to youse scouse x
  15. shaunharper13

    Open Day Spring 2016 @ Tuning Developments 27/03

    @Mike@TD.co.uk do you need anything like sausage or anything for next week just feel awful turning up eating your food using your facilities and then going home