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Leevsfortyone last won the day on February 9 2020

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About Leevsfortyone

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/28/1965

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  1. Leevsfortyone

    Bromley Pageant Of Motoring 2023

    Bromley Pageant Of Motoring is a show for motoring enthusiasts of all ages, with a love for cars from all eras. you will find cars from you youngest years that you would have dreamt of owning when you were a child. A great social event for all the family, plenty of activity to keep the kids happy to. Come along and meet fellow club members and enjoy the day, well worth the travel and time so would be nice to see some of our northern friends come down as well. Hope you can make it. How to book will be posted as soon as I receive the confirmation and booking ref number. Future posts and details will be managed via the Facebook page. https://www.bromleypageant.com/
  2. Leevsfortyone

    Bromley Pageant Of Motoring 2023

    Event Title: Bromley Pageant Of Motoring 2023 Event Author: Leevsfortyone Event Date: 11.06.2023 Bromley Pageant Of Motoring is a show for motoring enthusiasts of all ages, with a love for cars from all eras. you will find cars from you youngest years that you would have dreamt of owning when you were a child. A great social event for all the family, plenty of activity to keep the kids happy to. Come along and meet fellow club members and enjoy the day, well worth the travel and time so would be nice to see some of our northern friends come down as well. Hope you can make it. How to book will be posted as soon as I receive the confirmation and booking ref number. https://www.bromleypageant.com/ Bromley Pageant Of Motoring 2023
  3. Leevsfortyone

    Part number.

    No new belt, put a drop of oil on bearing edge and stopped for a short while Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Leevsfortyone

    Part number.

    That’s great will look that one up cheers mate[emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Leevsfortyone

    Part number.

    Hi All. can someone help with a part number for this please, squeaking bit now so need to replace. many Thanks
  6. Leevsfortyone

    Simply Japanese Beaulieu 2020

    If you are still attending simply jap, received this from Beaulieu. Dear Club Stand Organiser, I am emailing with regards to Simply Japanese, originally scheduled for Sunday 26th July 2020, to confirm that this will be going ahead on the same date of Sunday 26th July for 2020. The format of Simply Japanese will change to ensure the safety and welfare of participants, visitors and staff and in line with Government guidance to prevent the risk of infection from Covid-19. As such, we will be not be able to accept club stand bookings for any of our Simply rallies in order for us to feasibly park in a socially distanced manner, and to avoid any large gatherings of people. Ticket numbers will also be limited to 500 per Simply, and available on a first-come first-served basis for all new purchases. All participants will need to pre-book and print their tickets to allow us to manage capacity and avoid any payment transactions with staff on arrival. This will hopefully make for a swifter entry on the day. Participant tickets already purchased will be valid for the new date and are factored into the maximum capacity. A communication will go out to these ticket holders shortly. New tickets will go on sale today, please see the Simply Japanese webpage for further details. Kind regards, Charlotte Charlotte Mountain Events Manager Designate Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Leevsfortyone

    Japanese Auto Matsuri 2020

    I have just received notice that this event has now been cancelled. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Leevsfortyone

    Motors By The Moat Leeds Castle

    Hi all Apologies but I am cancelling the Motors By The Moat event in May , I have had zero response from the organisers and after a few emails and phone calls I have decided to cancel the event. . will look at again for next year Burt a bit earlier next time.
  9. Leevsfortyone

    Cars and Coffee @ MOP

    If anyone wants to Meeting up at carpenters arms leaving there 08:15. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Leevsfortyone

    Cars and Coffee @ MOP

    Wait and see at this time who knows.[emoji1696] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Leevsfortyone

    Japanese Auto Matsuri 2020

    Bump bump Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Leevsfortyone

    Bromley Pageant Of Motoring

    Bumpity bump Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Leevsfortyone

    Simply Japanese Beaulieu 2020

    Bump bump Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Leevsfortyone

    Essex Crew Monthly Meet February

    Bump bump Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Leevsfortyone

    Cars and Coffee @ MOP

    Bump Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk